More rumors suggest thatoverwatch 2 reveals that the blizzcon will take place

BlizzCon 2019 Opening Ceremony While many people have been raised to not listen to rumors, they are certainly juicy. Rumors about Overwatch 2 circulate since the summer and more in recent weeks. Now all rumors report an official revelation of Overwatch 2 to the Blazon next week. This can be corroborated by sources of ESPN as well as leaks with solid history. We even reported a logo that was leakage for Overwatch 2. Now, it only remains to wait to see if it turns out true.

The Blazon will begin on Friday, November 1st. The Twitter user metro ow says that Overwatch 2 is real and will be announced in Blazon after the short kinematic. Metro had already disclosed and was correct regarding the information about Ashe before his release. Similarly, ESPN says he has a Blazon training document and a Blazon source that repeats what other rumors say: there will be great attention to EVE in addition to conventional PVP modes for which Overwatch is known.

According to this training document, revealed cards will be established in Rio de Janeiro and Toronto, as well as a new mode called Push. Push and EVE history mode will be apparently playable by the Participants in the Blazon. In other supposed new Overwatch 2, the logo was also recently disclosed. The Blazon will begin this Friday, and we will see what is true and what is not.

Do you believe in one of these rumors on Overwatch 2? Let us know in the comments below.


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