All new cards and changes in cards in Overwatch 2 PVP Beta

The first beta testing of the PVP Overwatch 2 officially began, and players will quickly find out how much has changed. The players found that several cards from the first game were slightly changed, and several completely new unique cards were added. Here are all new cards and changes in cards in the beta version of Overwatch 2 PVP.

What new cards will appear in the beta version of Overwatch 2 PVP?

It would not be a continuation without a few new cards. For the first beta version of PVP in Overwatch 2, four new cards were presented to the players. Below are all four new cards and their types of game.

Circuit Royal (escort) *-Move the cargo along the luxurious streets of Monte Carlo towards the Arche Hotel. Midtown (hybrid) - Get the cargo and accompany it along the lively streets of Manhattan to the Central Station. New-kuin Street (Push) -Constant Battle of Management of the Robot in the frosty city of Toronto. * Colosseum (push) - back and forth the struggle for superiority in the shadow of the historical Coliseum.

What cards have changed in the beta version of Overwatch 2 PVP?

Many previously existing cards were returned to the beta version of Overwatch 2 PVP, but most of them have undergone small changes surrounded. All cards below received a temporary shift, which means that there can be a little sun on iconic nightly cards, and vice versa. Here are all the cards affected.

control cards

ilios * - Evening lighting Tower Lyzyan - Dawn lighting oasis - Night lighting

escort maps

Drado * - Evening lighting route 66 * - Night lighting


hybrid cards

Kings Rowe * - Evening lighting Eichenwald * - Evening lighting

Overwatch has always been funny and unique cards, and several new ones in combination with updated existing help to breathe a little fresh air into a familiar gameplay that we all loved. It will be interesting to see what other new cards or changes in Blizzard cards will come up with an official launch of Overwatch 2.

Additional Overwatch 2 cm guidelines in the section is Overwatch 2 with a free game? right here in Pro Game Guides.


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