Destiny 2: What is cosplay cosmodrome?
While there are video games, people create costumes and dress up in costumes of their favorite characters. Now it has almost come to the point that cosplay and games have become each other's synonyms. That is why Bungie, the creators of Destiny 2, seek to directly interact with cosplayers, checking their creative potential and offering them to try their hand at creating their own interpretation of the queen of the witches.
- What is the cosmodrome cosmodrome?
- Who is nine applicants?
- What is Bungie Day and when is it celebrated?
- All you need to know about cosplay-cosmodrome
All you need to know about cosplay-cosmodrome
What is the cosmodrome cosmodrome?
Cosmodrome Cosmodrome Call, abandoned nine extremely talented cosplayers . They are instructed to create and place their own creative approach to Savatun . These nine creators will have a little more than a month to improve their cosplay. The final frames of these creative cosplayes will be shown during the live broadcast of the day Bungie .
Who is nine applicants?
Bungie announced nine applicants to participate in the blog message about this cosplay cosmodrome. They stated that they had nothing to do with nine in the game, however, given the skills that these creators possess, it would not be surprising to find out that they were actually members of nine. You can familiarize yourself with all the participants below.
* Willow Creative
Gdedaniel *
Little Blondinkagot
Lily bin cosplay
Kamichan83 *
Angira *
Solomon Taisa *
You can find more information about each of these creative applicants, as well as links to all their social channels in the blog message on the Bungie website. On their channels on social networks, artists will publish news about their progress on the eve of the Bungie Day.
What is Bungie Day and when is it celebrated?
Applicants will be able to demonstrate their last creation of Savatun on the Bungie Day during the direct broadcast of the Bungie Day. Day Bungie takes place on July 7th. And, as a rule, there will be some kind of holiday in the studio. The value of July 7 is that this is the seventh day of the seventh month. Bange always had Love for seven and, thus, called the date Bungie Day.
That's all you need to know about the cosplay cosmodrome. Be sure to read some of the previous creations of the applicant, since they are incredible, and connect to the direct broadcast of the Bungie day to find out the last creations of Savatun and find out who will be called the best queen-witch.
To find out more about Destiny, check out the section where is the Khotorn in Destiny 2? right here in Pro Game Guides.
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