Trek to Yomi - tribute to Akira Kurosave

The creative director of Trek to Yomi Leonard Menkiary in the official PlayStation blog shared information about how the work of Akira Kurosavi influenced the game.

What the Facts: Trek to Yomi

Leonard's love for Kurosawa's works began at the first year of study at college thanks to the painting “Seven Samurai”. He was literally fascinated by realism and setting up the frame. In Trek to Yomi, Menkiari tried to focus not only on cinematic references, but also on the match of the game of Japanese history of the Edo period and samurai culture.

Of course, in such a key aspect as a visual style, rain, fire and a monochrome palette played a significant role. In addition to the work of the Japanese master, Leonard screamed of inspiration in the films of Baster Keaton of the 20-30s of the last century, as they resembled Sidskrollers.


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