Overwatch 2 - All New Classic Hero Skins Compared To The Originals

Overwatch 2 is a complete overhaul of the mechanics and systems of the original game. The transition to a seasonal format and 5v5 combat helps bring the game into the modern era. There are even quite a few cosmetic changes, one of the most notable of which is that all existing characters have received a brand new coat of paint. Here are all the new classic hero skins compared to their original.

All Classic II Hero Skins in Overwatch 2

All parallel comparisons for each hero are broken down by role below. Changes range from simple color palette changes to a complete redesign. The only character that didn't really get any changes was Echo. This is probably because she was the most recent addition to Overwatch.





Every existing character in Overwatch getting a brand new classic skin helps make those six-year-old characters feel fresh again. You may also notice that Accommodation and Junker Queen are missing from this list, and that's because these characters don't need a reworked classic skin. The same goes for all new characters coming to Overwatch 2 as they don't yet have their classic skins in need of a revival.

These new skins and the countless changes introduced in Overwatch 2 are helping to breathe new life into the hero shooter genre while also freshening up the sails of the Overwatch franchise.

For more Overwatch guides, see Overwatch 2-What does MIT stand for? right here in the Pro Game Guides.


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